MLS# 240026886SD – 2920 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar, CA 92014
Completed in October 2024, Ocean House Del Mar was designed with a beachgoer’s DNA to emphasize livability while embracing 21st century technology, longevity and functional elegance. It was built by Sweig General Contracting with Studio William Hefner architects. Richly restful and seriously playful, Ocean House Del Mar evolves the modern-day beach retreat. Designed like a superyacht to withstand the elements without sacrificing style or comfort, the house features marine-grade materials scrutinized to provide whole-of-life performance. There’s a DaVinci roof, Arriscraft Walnut brick and Hardie Artisan Siding, while a new seawall, built in 2021, protects the property’s 75 feet of ocean frontage for future generations.
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